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About Action Marketing

“Somos gente apasionada que contagia a sus proveedores y socios comerciales. Y lo hacemos de manera creativa, innovadora, eficaz, interactiva y medible.Conseguir que nuestros clientes estén contentos con nosotros y sus usuarios con ellos, es la fórmula que buscamos. Nos centramos en las oportunidades del cliente y en las necesidades del consumidor para acertar. Acortamos la distancia entre ambos tanto fuera como dentro de la red.”

“We are passionate people who spread their passion to ours suppliers and business partners. We do creative, innovative, efficient, interactive and medible campaigns. Make our customers happy with us and theirs users with them, is the formula we seek. We focus on customer opportunities and consumer needs to hit. We shorten the distance between them both outside and inside the network.”

Boutique Advertising Agency - BTL and Trade Marketing Experts - Marketing Consultants - Brand Connectors - RFID - Digital Marketing

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