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Sponsorships for events - and a lot more

Did you know -
a. Experiential association by brands is growing by 20-25%.
b. Other advertising avenues are seeing low single digit growth.
That’s because events are the only platform where brands get access to a target demographic audience with a pre-qualified behaviour pattern and buying propensity.

What are we ? is SE Asia's biggest platform for events.

a) Sponsors visit Onspon to find best events for associations and partnerships - around their specific KRAs.
b) Small businesses visit Onspon to find events where they can take up a stall to showcase / sell their products / services.
c) Event Vendors , Celebrity managers, Venues, ticketing platforms and Event-Tech companies engage with Onspon to provide their services to a curated set of high quality events (neatly segregated by category and geography).

So what are you looking for @ events ? Reach us at [email protected]

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