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About Us

CodeSpark is a digital marketing agency that uses new technologies to bring businesses closer to their goals. Focused on user experience, CodeSpark is known for its great design and marketing strategies that creates reactions.

CodeSpark est une agence de développement et marketing web qui utilise les nouvelles technologies pour rapprocher les entreprises de leurs objectifs. Orienté vers l'expérience utilisateur, CodeSpark est reconnue pour ses design soignés et ses stratégies marketing qui font réagir.


Marketing enthusiasts

CodeSpark is a web & marketing agency that offers unique expertise, an explosive mix of marketing knowledge and exceptional business intelligence.

CodeSpark is above all a team of web and marketing enthusiasts driven by the growth and achievement of our customers' business objectives.
Our team is made up of experts in e-commerce, user experience, marketing, digital advertising, graphic design, programming and data analysis.

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