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Discover what it means to be never generic

CDM has created a unique position in the marketplace as the premier creator of world-class healthcare brands. We are the one agency that is uniquely experienced, organized, and staffed to build and manage truly global, fully integrated brands. Just look at our portfolio of franchises: CDM currently handles more billion-dollar brands than any other agency in the healthcare industry.

These brands were created by the more than 750 talented, dedicated individuals who make up the seven divisions of Cline Davis & Mann. And while our organization's primary focus is and always will be professional promotion—including advertising, sales-force support, and customer marketing—we service the full complement of healthcare marketing needs. Our DTC work for brands like Viagra has been nothing short of groundbreaking. Our interactive and relationship marketing division, CDMiConnect, is on the leading edge of virtual detailing and physician and patient relationship marketing.

This depth and breadth of experience allows us to fully leverage the relationships between a brand, the prescriber, and the patient, and to integrate in ways that really serve our clients' needs. Our ability to deliver on this promise—time and again—is what makes CDM both so successful and so admired among our healthcare agency peers.

At the very heart of our business is a deep and abiding commitment to great healthcare brands. And at the heart of a successful healthcare brand is a great professional program, one that creates meaningful, business-building relationships with physicians, nurses, pharmacists, institutional customers, and every other decision maker in the healthcare food chain.

And there is no more experienced—or successful—organization in the healthcare communications field than CDM.

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