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Why we're unique

Trellis Marketing, Inc., founded in 2006 is a boutique ad agency based in Buffalo, New York. Our firm specializes in the strategic planning and execution of broadcast radio and television campaigns, with a particular strength and focus on television advertising campaigns. We prove everyday that you don't need a huge advertising budget or a huge advertising agency to make a huge difference in your bottom line. You just need a marketing partner that has the ability to solve tough business problems with fresh, creative solutions.

Our talent lies in clearly identifying your growth opportunities. We dig, and question and brainstorm until we get to the heart of your best avenues for revenue acceleration. Only then do we begin to craft a campaign that clearly and strongly relays your points of difference in the mind of the consumer... A campaign that makes people feel something and say, "Yes... I want that!" A campaign that make your company memorable and relevant to your target market. We are proud to have a client base of over 60 WNY companies in business categories that include retail, automotive, legal, education, travel & tourism, construction, professional services, financial, hospitality, arts & entertainment, sports & recreation, home & garden and more. Our clients are raving fans because they don't just get pretty commercials... They get tangible, measurable return on investment!

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