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Why we're unique

Today’s business world is all about results. So are we. But just getting there is only half of it. How you get there makes all the difference. And a big part of any journey comes down to who you’re traveling with.

We focus on the magnitude of each impression from both a messaging and a media standpoint. The most compelling messaging needs to work hand-in-hand with targeted placements. Controlling this under one house is the key. We provide the consumer with the information they are looking for when they want to see it moving them forward thru the journey to action. The synergy of this process yields the biggest gain.

> Yellow Bus clients move faster and get further. We know you’ll enjoy the ride.

Yellow Bus is a different take on the full service advertising agency. For starters, we’re located in Santa Cruz, California, which definitely gives us a unique perspective. But that’s what advertising should be all about. Finding new approaches, offering up relevant solutions and providing a better way to get you from Point A to Point B.

> With us at the wheel, you’ve got somebody who can drive your brand to the next level and leave your competition in the dust.

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