Igniting a culture of engagement through mobile
Crescerance provides you with a customized Mobile App on iPhone, Blackberry and Android phones built specifically for your School. "Crescere" means to grow or expand. And that’s exactly what we’re here to help you do! We’re here to help you stay up-to-date with the dynamically changing business environment, without bearing the cost of new technologies today.
In 1998, your school, just like any other business, needed a Website on the WWW. You now have a website, but there are now more mobile devices in the world than the total number of computers and television units combined. Today, your school needs a mobile presence to stay connected with its community. Crescerance makes that happen at prices that you can afford!
We will work with you to understand what is most important for your school to have on its mobile application. We will show you other School Apps that we have built. And - once you have your own App, we will continue to provide frequent updates and new features to enhance the quality of experience with your school's application. We provide you with a very easy to use portal that allows you to manage your mobile application. Or - just call our Service Department and we'll do it all for you!
Contact Us at [email protected] - Let us know that you’re interested in giving your school the edge it deserves and we’ll help you get there!