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About Empower MediaMarketing

Empower MediaMarketing is an independent agency that specializes in media, digital marketing communications and word-of-mouth marketing. Headquartered in Cincinnati with satellite offices in Chicago and New York City, Empower leads its clients in delivering relevant messages to the right audiences.

We work to give clients exactly what they need: alignment of their messaging (what brands say) and media (where consumers see it). Our Media, Digital Marketing Communications, and Word of Mouth Marketing offerings provide our clients the tailored experiences they need to reach their audiences.

Consumers are bombarded with 5000+ messages a day, most of which they ignore. The messages aren’t relevant enough to break through the shield of ad-avoidance. Think about it – can you remember any of the messages you saw yesterday? If you can, it was probably relevant to you. It provided information, saved time, or made you laugh. To break through the deluge, we must craft and deliver messages consumers care about, when and where they are receptive.

Bringing 31 years of media expertise together with top-notch talent across digital marketing communications and Word of Mouth Marketing, Empower delivers on this mission. With our trifecta of offerings, we’re not just determining what messages to what audiences will be most relevant —we’re experts in distributing them.

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