Glorium Tech team created a unique SPA for our company with mobile versions
Budget Range
$60,000 - $120,000

We are in the business of providing real estate services for Texas residents. Until recently, we worked exclusively in an offline format and began to notice a gradual decline in consumer activity. We decided to digitize our business and move it to the cloud to provide remote access to real estate directories and rental, purchase, and exchange services. In search of a contractor, we came across the website of Glorium Tech and contacted the manager. We were satisfied with the project's price and terms, so we immediately delegated the task to the team. In the process of discussing future development, we encountered several challenges, both technical and organizational. After consulting with the team leader, we quickly resolved all the issues. The cooperation resulted in a new cross-platform app based on Angular, packaged in formats for mobile devices at our request. Thus our customers have access to the company's services not only through the SPA in a browser but also via mobile devices on iOS and Android. Have our sales gone up? Yes. Will we involve Glorium Tech in further scaling? Definitely, yes. They have proven their expertise and put their company among our regular partners.

about 1 year agoSee this agency