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We are TOOL.

Tool Product Design & Development works with major global brands, entrepreneurial startups and companies of all sizes to achieve innovative breakthroughs. We help our clients:

- Gain valuable insights through empathic and ethnographic research
- Execute innovative, user-driven industrial design
- Solve complex engineering issues inventively and creatively
- Rapidly prototype great ideas for quicker feedback loops
- Source and support manufacturing through trusted resources

For more than 13 years, Tool has enjoyed helping clients connect with their customers in new and thought-provoking ways. To engage the creative, inventive and innovation-driven people at Tool for your next breakthrough, please visit our website ( and be in touch.

Client list: Staples, Reebok, APC, US Army, Burton, Dick's Sporting Goods, adidas, Boston Scientific, Hasbro, Thule, Cannondale, Kryptonite, Wright Line, Chicco USA, Hamilton Beach, Entegris, First Years, Philips, Master Lock, Rain Bird, Wilson and more


Project examples

Consumer electronics, medical device, sporting goods

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